If you haven’t purchased a pool and you’re thinking about doing so, here is why you should consider the vinyl liner option.
Vinyl liner pools are among the most commonly-seen types of swimming pools you can find, and it’s no wonder why. Vinyl liner pools hold advantages over other pools that make them the option of choice for many buyers. If you haven’t purchased a pool and you’re thinking about doing so, here is why you should consider the vinyl liner option.
The cost at which most shops will sell a vinyl liner pool is its first selling point. The initial cost of a vinyl liner pool is lower than any other pool on the market. Since pools can often be a steep investment regardless of which you choose, it’s best to save money where you can. This lets you put money towards other projects, or you can use that money to add other features to your pool.
Vinyl Liner Pools are Lower Maintenance
While all pools require maintenance, you don’t have to put in as much effort if you install a vinyl liner pool. Vinyl liners are usually very durable. With its smooth surface, vinyl doesn’t allow contaminants to get into your pool as easily. Vinyl also doesn’t require the same number of chemicals as other options, such as concrete.
A liner that’s well-maintained will also last you for many years, which cuts down on expenses in the long term since you won’t have to replace your liner as often. It’s much cheaper than what it would cost to refinish a concrete pool.
There Are Many Design Options
Vinyl liner pools were limited on design choices once upon a time. However, nowadays, you have more options available. You can get liner in nearly any shape you want. Vinyl pools can also come with extra features, including tanning ledges and spill-over spas. You can also get your liner in a variety of patterns, colors, and thicknesses to fit your wants and needs.
Admiral Pools is Your Complete Swimming Pool Resource
Admiral Pools LLC is a multi-faceted company involved in the construction and renovation of all types of in-ground swimming pools, serving Baltimore, Harford, and Cecil Counties of Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania. Admiral Pools does the vast majority of our work with in-house personnel, and we pride ourselves on being a turnkey operation that provides retaining walls, hardscaping, fencing, and outdoor lighting. Customers can visit our retail location and showroom in Abingdon, MD, to purchase pool chemicals, as well as above-ground pools, spas, parts, maintenance equipment, pool games, and toys. Admiral Pools of Maryland is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality swimming pools, the best service, and a complete selection of parts and chemicals the retail industry has to offer. Contact Admiral Pool’s representative through our website today to receive your free quote, or call us at 1-866-297-POOL (7665). Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest for all of the latest updates and news in the recreational water industry.