Here are ways a pool cover can be damaged.
There are many parts of your pool, and they all need to be given proper care. One part of your pool is the cover. Pool covers are a valuable protective resource, as they keep debris from getting into your pool water, while retaining heat in the water and extending your pool’s lifespan. Unfortunately, pool covers can be damaged in a variety of ways, and we want to go over potential causes with you today so that you can take measures to protect your own cover. Here are ways a pool cover can be damaged.
Inclement Weather and Excess Water
Whenever a rain or snowstorm passes, there will be plenty of water that collects on your pool cover. This water will cause damage to your cover over time, and it’s for this reason that we recommend getting a water pump to reduce how much water piles onto it.
High winds are another problem for pool covers, as winds can damage your cover or cause it to get blown away entirely. Getting wall bags is an effective solution to help maintain your cover’s structural integrity.
Abrasive Types of Debris
Debris is another source of damage to your pool cover. Heavy debris can make your cover sag, and jagged pieces of debris can rip holes in it. This is why it’s important to use a skimmer or brush to remove whatever debris is lingering on your cover. A clean pool cover will have a better chance at lasting for a long time.
Damage From Animals
There are a few different animals that can commonly be found wandering our yards, such as birds, squirrels, or the occasional raccoon. These animals might walk on our pool covers, which can cause damage to them. To reduce how much animal interference you get, try to keep your pool cover as clean as possible.
Admiral Pools is Your Complete Swimming Pool Resource
Admiral Pools LLC is a multi-faceted company involved in the construction and renovation of all types of in-ground swimming pools, serving Baltimore, Harford, and Cecil Counties of Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania. Admiral Pools does the vast majority of our work with in-house personnel, and we pride ourselves on being a turnkey operation that provides retaining walls, hardscaping, fencing, and outdoor lighting. Customers can visit our retail location and showroom in Abingdon, MD, to purchase pool chemicals, as well as above-ground pools, spas, parts, maintenance equipment, pool games, and toys. Admiral Pools of Maryland is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality swimming pools, the best service, and a complete selection of parts and chemicals the retail industry has to offer. Contact Admiral Pool’s representative through our website today to receive your free quote, or call us at 1-866-297-POOL (7665). Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest for all of the latest updates and news in the recreational water industry.