Pool tiles could need to be replaced for many reasons.
Tiles help keep your swimming pool protected and preserve its beauty. They are made from all sorts of materials. These materials include stone, porcelain, mosaic, and glass, and you can get them in a wide array of colors. With pool tiles, your swimming pool can be given a stunning and unique design that will impress anyone who sees it.
For all of you swimming pool owners, you know why it’s important to keep up with all of the maintenance procedures and repairs that your pool needs and your pool tiles are one of the areas that is going to need your attention. Eventually, your tiles won’t be in optimal condition anymore, and they will need replacing. Pool tiles could need to be replaced for many reasons.
Your Pool Tiles are Falling Off
Pool tiles that aren’t fixed the right way will end up falling off. Sometimes, they also fall off because of water that gets behind the cement due to cracks that are found within the grouting. If sludge has not yet surfaced with your tile, you can try to re-fix it. However, replacing your tiles will be needed if the mud came off already. Take notice of extreme temperatures, too, because they can also make your tiles fall off.
Your Pool Tiles Contain White Deposits
There is a phenomenon known as efflorescence, and it’s what happens whenever mineral salts deposit themselves onto your tiles after coming out of the setting mud. Sometimes, white deposits can also settle on your tiles because of calcium scaling, which results from high alkalinity or high pH levels that your pool has.
When you get your pool water tested for various chemicals, be sure to test your calcium hardness too. Whenever white deposits cannot be burnt off by using an acid wash, this is a sign that replacing your tiles is needed.
Your Pool Tiles Don’t Look Appealing
If you have old tiles, replacing them can be great simply to get a better aesthetic for your pool. Tiles get dull, and they can fade over time, making them less pleasing to the eye. Replacing old tiles with modern ones can help bring your pool’s aesthetic back to life.
Admiral Pools is Your Complete Swimming Pool Resource
Admiral Pools LLC is a multi-faceted company involved in the construction and renovation of all types of in-ground swimming pools, serving Baltimore, Harford, and Cecil Counties of Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania. Admiral Pools does the vast majority of our work with in-house personnel, and we pride ourselves on being a turnkey operation that provides retaining walls, hardscaping, fencing, and outdoor lighting. Customers can visit our retail location and showroom in Abingdon, MD, to purchase pool chemicals, as well as above-ground pools, spas, parts, maintenance equipment, pool games, and toys. Admiral Pools of Maryland is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality swimming pools, the best service, and a complete selection of parts and chemicals the retail industry has to offer. Contact Admiral Pool’s representative through our website today to receive your free quote, or call us at 1-866-297-POOL (7665). Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest for all of the latest updates and news in the recreational water industry.